
The Best 3 Secret Coffee Menu Items

Photo by Shma

Photo by Toa Heftiba

Photo by ​Lex Sirikiat

Typically when you enter a restaurant, the basic espresso options are on the menu: cafe latte, cappuccino, and the winter favorite cafe mocha (Caffe Mocha), dark chocolate preferred, please. Then the menu changes based on the geographic location and the coffee shop’s sophistication, which is where things become interesting. Coffeehouses usually have a specialty drink like a bleu or lavender latte or their take on a popular favorite, like the peppermint mocha. However, almost all reputable coffee houses have a secret or underground menu. You can order these drinks, and the coffee shop should know how to make them if you ask. Let’s explore the current top 3 secret coffee menu items you should ask for.

Flat White
There has been an interesting debate about what flat white should be. Should it have one shot or two in it? This can vary from one country to the next, and our vote is for two. That aside, the flat white, popular in Australia and New Zealand, is only 6oz (approximately 160ml) tall, making it shorter than a latte, so you will taste much more of the espresso than a latte. The key here is the layer of foam at the top. A Flat White has a skinny layer or flat layer of foam (approximately 2mm), and there is more of a velvety microfoam texture. If you are looking for an espresso drink and want a little bit less milk than a latte, the Flat White is the drink for you.

Cafe Lagrima 
If you love espresso yet don’t want a full shot of espresso because it’s just too late in the day or doesn’t want the full taste of an espresso shot, the Cafe Lagrima is for you. Usually 6oz in total, the Cafe Lagrima features only 1/2 a shot of espresso, also known as a touch, and the rest is warm milk. You can get a ristretto shot if you are fancy. The Cafe Lagrima is great if you don’t want a nice beverage with a touch of espresso flavor.

King Cortado
The cortado is the best go-to travel espresso drink of all time. It’s compact, has tons of flavor, and is well balanced. The King Cortado is for those who need a little bit more for the long haul. A King Cortado is still equal parts of espresso and milk. However, the King Cortado features three shots (3oz) of espresso instead of two (2oz), with a matching amount of milk. If you are looking for a long drive or an action-packed evening, we recommend the King Cortado. 

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