
Milk Alternatives

With so many people being lactose intolerant, plant-based or alternative milk has been rising for years. Initially, Soy milk was the superstar, yet others have arrived to share the spotlight in the past few years. Almond, Oat, and Ripple, the newcomer, are great options, and each offers its own benefits. Grocery stores have kept up with these options and have made them available to their customers. To help you figure out what you should be looking for in the right brand of alternative milk, here are a few things to remember:

  • Have the least amount of ingredients as possible
  • Keywords like “0g of sugar added” or “unsweetened
  • Limited in saturated fat
  • At least 7g of protein
  • Less than 150g of sodium per up, less is better
  • Calcium and Vitamin D
  • Other vitamins and nutrients that are important to you​

It matters to take the time to review the label on the milk you select, so you get what you are looking for and receive the nutrients that you need.

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