
Long Noir (Black) | Isn’t That An Americano?

Popular in Australia and New Zealand, the Long  Black is often associated with the Americano because the ingredients are the same.  So why do they have different names? It’s to indicate the order in which we put the ingredients together.  Simply put, a Long Black is a shot of espresso with water, when the water is placed inside the cup first and then the espresso is added.

There are a few key differences when making the drink this way.  The first is in the crema.  Americano’s don’t have much of a crema because when the espresso is placed in the cup before the water is added, the crema tends to dissolve, while a Long Black retains its crema because espresso was added later.  Then there is the flavor.  A Long Black will have more flavor since the espresso was allowed to slowly blend with the water instead of having the water poured on top of it.  For some, this doesn’t seem like a major difference, yet when you try it, especially an iced Long Black vs Americano, it can be noticeable.  Next time you are at the cafe, try one and see how you like it.

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