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Essential Tips | Making the Best Peppermint Mocha

Photo by Jill Wellington

Cafe mocha (caffe mocha) is one of the most popular coffee drinks.  For people who love espresso and chocolate or cocoa, a cafe mocha is perfect for an afternoon delight or in the evening after a great meal.  Unlike most espresso drinks, a mocha can be different because the ratio of chocolate is subject to the maker.  When you add peppermint to the mix, the difference increases because of the variety of ways you can make peppermint syrup.  Yet there are specific things you can do to make your peppermint mocha one step above the rest for the holiday season.

The quality of the chocolate you use will determine how well your mocha will taste.  If you use lower-quality chocolate, you will have to use a higher quantity, which may make it sweeter or dilute the milk, making it more chocolate milk with coffee than a well-balanced drink.  Remember that cocoa is more bitter than chocolate because there is less cocoa butter.  Remember that the syrup’s sweetness will help balance out your mocha.

Adjust the amount of peppermint syrup you add to your mocha based on sweetness and potency.  Some syrups are sweeter and carry a more robust flavor than others, which can easily overpower your mocha.  If you make your peppermint syrup, do a taste test and adjust how much you add.  You want the peppermint to compliment the beverage instead of dominating it.  If you purchase syrup from a company, review the recommended amount to add and adjust accordingly. 

If you make or buy your syrup, ensure that the recipe or ingredients used are organic because you will have a more natural taste.  Syrups that use artificial flavors and ingredients you cannot pronounce can taste too sugary and alter your mocha, making it more of a sugary mess. 

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